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Vote Yes for Gloucester holds event for bond referendum

A group of more than 80 Gloucester citizens came together last week to learn more about and express support for the bond referendum on the Nov. 7 ballot.

Residents of all ages gathered at Gloucester Library, Main Street Center, last Wednesday at the kickoff event to hear from several community leaders about what the referendum would do for Gloucester and to make their voices heard.

“One message that came through loud and clear at our kickoff event was: People are ready for Gloucester to invest wisely, do things right the first time, and save millions of dollars in the long run on long-needed capital improvement projects,” said Vote Yes for Gloucester chair Marjo Holthaus. “They are tired of the ‘band-aid’ [approach to] the problem—‘kick it down the road, then pay too much later’ mentality.”

“Together, we can make Gloucester even more of ‘the land of the life worth living,’ while saving taxpayer money,” she added.

“This bond referendum asks voters whether they will vote yes...

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