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Vote ‘Yes’

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I support the bond referendum on Gloucester’s Nov. 7 election ballot. As a realtor and mother who has raised four children here in Gloucester, I believe the projects included in this referendum would have a huge positive impact on our county.

Having updated schools and sports facilities improves property values, which gives owners more equity in their homes. Providing safe and quality sports facilities helps our youth learn valuable skills and keeps them in school and out of trouble. This in turn reduces local crime and aids law enforcement.

If this referendum passes, design work on a new Gloucester High School Sports Complex would start in the spring of 2024, and the goal would be to start construction while the GHS building renovation is still underway. This would save our county millions.

The improvements to our parks at Woodville, Brown, and Gloucester Point Beach would have a significant impact on sports and recreational opportunities in our c...

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