Of more than 160 applications, one by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science was selected to receive an $835,000 grant for research into cost-effective, nature-based infrastructure that may protect local coastline.
Carl Hershner, director of the Center for Coastal Resource Management at the Gloucester Point campus, said that a total of 19 of the applications will receive federal funds, with the VIMS application the only one approved for Virginia. The grant was announced Friday by Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine.
Warner and Kaine said the grants are from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration through the Coastal Resilience Grants Program. The grant is especially important, they said, because the Hampton Roads region is the second largest population center at risk—only behind New Orleans—from sea level rise in the nation.
“Each year, coastal Virginia sees major storms and flooding, and it’s wise to invest in resilient infrastructure upfront&mdash...
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