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VDOF seeks acorns/nuts from landowners

The Virginia Department of Forestry is once again seeking 12 species of acorns and nuts that can be planted at its Augusta Forestry Center to grow into tree seedlings that will become the forests of tomorrow.
Each year, VDOF asks the public from across the state to collect and donate nuts of select species to be planted at the state nursery. These seeds will be used to produce next year’s hardwood seedling crop, which will be sold to Virginia’s forestland owners. Seedlings grown from Virginia-grown seed generally produces trees that will best thrive in our state’s climates.
In 2020, Virginians did a tremendous job collecting acorns for the nursery. “The public supplied us with tons of acorns and walnuts last year. I am always amazed at the output by Virginians every year,” said Assistant Forestry Center Manager Josh McLaughlin.
Certain nuts can be difficult to find regionally, and availability can change year to year. At times, one species of tree in a region may produce minimal acorns...

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