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UUFR scholarships awarded to area students

Desiree Dixon
Chyra Boyd
Kendall Lucas
Trey Vanlandingham

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Rappahannock in White Stone announced its 2022 Servetus Endowment Scholarships for area high schools.
This year’s recipients are: Chyra Boyd of Lancaster, enrolled in North Carolina A&T toward her goal as a Criminology Investigator; Desiree Dixon of Mathews, entering George Mason University’s Computer Sciences program; Kendall Lucas of Middlesex, studying biochemistry at Eastern Carolina University to become a biomedical researcher, and Trey Vanlandingham, enrolled at Virginia Tech toward a career in real estate and residential design.
A May 28 luncheon was held in their honor at the Tides Inn. Each student receives a $4,000 scholarship for their first year. “We stay in touch with the students as they progress toward their goals,” said church trustee Celane Roden. “Completing all the steps to success is not without challenges. We hope to be able to help with those challenges whe...

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