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Update on a destructive pest

Several nights ago, a small, gray moth found its way into the pantry from outside. From there, it migrated to the kitchen window over the sink and remained overnight. It disappeared the next day. I don’t know where it went; probably, one of the cats ate it.
That little moth reminded me that I haven’t seen many insects, inside the house or out, since October. From spring through fall, we are surrounded by insects. Some, like bees and butterflies, we enjoy for their beauty and utility as pollinators. Others, we abhor for biting us, and for the damage they wreak on our vegetable and flower beds. The cold, dreary days of January seemed a good time to write an update on the emerald ash borer (EAB), an invasive pest that causes devastating harm wherever it turns up.
I wrote about the emerald ash borer (EAB) in March 2019. The EAB (Agrilus plannipennis) is an Asian beetle that was discovered in Michigan in 2002, and has spread widely within the U.S. EAB first appeared in Fairfax County in 200...

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