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Trees look better; pick up the trash

110 YEARS AGOThursday, July 17, 1913from the Mathews Journal

The trimming up of the trees on Main Street has made an improvement in the looks of things which would be increased a thousand-fold by a generally cleaning up on the ground under the trees.

The Central Sunday School has recently purchased a fine new organ. Credit for this addition to the church equipment is largely due to the young ladies of the school, who worked very hard to secure the necessary funds.

You can always find clean, fresh, sanitary groceries at the right price at O.H. Pattesons, Mobjack, Va.

100 YEARS AGOThursday, July 19, 1923from the Gloucester Gazette

Several instances of minor damages in a severe electrical storm in the county Monday afternoon were reported. Lightning struck Capt. W.W. Allmond’s house at Allmondsville and killed a pet dog which was asleep under the house, but did little other damage. At Mr. M.B. Seward’s house a number of shingles were knocked off the roof.

from the M...

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