Three Gloucester teenagers have been charged by the Gloucester Sheriff’s Office in connection with several thefts from unlocked vehicles that occurred between Aug. 31 and Sept. 2 in the Wicomico area and last weekend in the vicinity of Providence Road.
The three boys, ages 15, 16 and 17, have each been charged with several of the following incidents:
The first group of thefts occurred Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday of last week. Along Carmines Island Road, a mini-mag flashlight and an LG cell phone were taken from a van; work gloves, credit cards and $15 in currency were taken from a truck; and a Gateway laptop computer valued at $575 and a $150 cell phone were taken from another vehicle.
Along Lemburn Lane, a $20 wallet, $80 in cash, a gold engagement ring valued at $100 and a gold ring valued at $400 were taken from a vehicle, and a $900 golf cart was taken from outside a residence. On John Smith Lane, a Redline BMX bicycle valued at $400 was taken from the 6600 block a...
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