Voters will have three more chances to listen to various candidates running for office deliver their platforms and answer questions. Two voter forums are left in Mathews and one in Gloucester before the Nov. 8 general election.
Two forums will be held on Monday evening. The first is a Middle Peninsula League of Voters forum featuring candidates running for the Virginia General Assembly in Gloucester, to be held at T.C. Walker Elementary School, beginning at 6:30.
The Mathews chapter of the NAACP will also be hosting a forum Monday night at 7 o’clock at First Baptist Church, featuring all candidates running for local office in Mathews County.
On Wednesday, Oct. 26, the Piankatank Ruritan Club will hold one last forum at its building on Route 198 in Hudgins. It will feature all local candidates running for office in Mathews, beginning at 7 p.m.
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