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Thompson ‘Clicks’ his way to 2X Rodeo Photographer of the Year honors

Christopher Thompson, who also goes by the name Click, is a rodeo photographer originally from Hayes who clicked his way to Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association Photographer of the Year for the second year in a row. 

“The PRCA is the largest sanctioning body on the planet of rodeo,” said Thompson. “It’s pretty much the largest and oldest, so there is the most prestige, and to be the person they vote on is pretty awesome. We give out a lot of buckles in the year, but there is only one buckle a year that says PRCA Photographer of the Year.

“I have a friend that says in 100 years, there will only be 100 photographers of the year. Now to have done that twice is pretty awesome,” he reflected. “I think it shows the work even from the first days of doing SEBRA (Southern Extreme Bull Riding Association) Bull Riding to today.” 

Thompson was born in Japan to Evelyn Thompson of Hayes and William (Billy) Thompson of Mathews, while his father was in the Navy, stationed in Japan. He was ...

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