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Thomas Hunter Middle School students get insider’s take on Congress

Thomas Hunter Middle School seventh grade civics students were able to hear an insider’s take on the country’s legislative branch of government when Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Montross) spoke to Michelle Plotino’s class on March 15 about some of the major issues the country is faced with today, as well as what a typical day is like in the life of a congressman.

"It’s important each one of you is plugged into government," Wittman told the students. "The power of government is derived from each and every one in this room and it is critical, especially today, that the people are involved in their government."

He asked the students how decisions made in local government impact them. One of the standing themes was school budget cuts, which may have an adverse impact on school districts statewide.

"It’s important you let your thoughts be known," Wittman said. His office has a youth advisory board that helps keep the congressman an...

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