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These cakes are engineered works of art

An engineer who turned professional cake maker and decorator has found the switch in her careers rewarding and pleasant. Sara Trull is owner of the CourtHouse Cake Company located at Gloucester Court House.

Perhaps Sara’s webpage says in a few words exactly what she is doing: "We are an exclusive bespoke bakery specializing in modern supplicated wedding and celebration cakes. …Each custom made cake is baked with the finest ingredients and beautifully decorated with handcrafted sugar paste florals and designs for every client—delicious cake for all occasions."

A native of England, Sara, her father and brother owned an engineering company there. And it was in England that she met and married her husband, Edgar, serving in the U.S. Army. It was when the children arrived that she became interested in cake making. "I guess the interest grew from making birthday cakes for my children. Designing cakes is just a different concept of drawing as you do it ...

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