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The welcomed surprise

(A work of fiction)

As the crystalline snowflakes danced in the crisp winter air, a devoted young father and devoted military man, Sergeant Armando C. James, returned home for Christmas from his overseas deployment. He was a good-looking young man, and his heart was set on making this holiday season extra special for his young son, Matteo, his only son.

Stationed overseas for several months, he yearned to see his son very much, but he told no one. So, on the last day of school before his son’s Christmas break, Sergeant James arrived unannounced, adorned in his Army uniform, to his son’s public school, and hid from his son.

As he grew closer to his reunion, his heart began to pound with joy and excitement. As the school bell rang, Sergeant James hid behind a large, handsomely adorned Christmas tree in the school’s lunch room, waiting to surprise his son. He realized it would only be seconds until he would really and truly see his son again.

The moment of truth soon arrived....

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