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The show must go on

The fate of this year’s Mathews July 4th fireworks show was up in the air until Monday, July 1, when a burn ban (that included fireworks) was lifted because of dry conditions. Ironically, last Thursday’s show was almost canceled because of a thunderstorm that rolled through the area. While the rains delayed the display for about an hour (and spectators retreated to the shelter of their cars for a couple hours), the show did eventually go on about 10:15 p.m. In top photo, Kim Pratz is surrounded by her grandchildren just before rain swept through Mathews High School campus. The youngsters are, seated from left, Paisley, Bentley and Mason Pratz and, on top, Kinsley seems to be looking at the ominous clouds on the horizon. Below, Mathews treasurer (and Mathews Fireworks Committee member) Wendy Stewart captures a video of the display on her phone.


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