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Text-to-911 available locally in emergency situations

While calling 911 and speaking directly to a dispatcher is the best way to reach out in an emergency situation, there are times when that just isn’t possible. Both Gloucester and Mathews counties offer Text-to-911 communications to fill that need.

Text-to-911 is the ability to send a text message to reach 911 communications officers from your mobile phone or device, a Mathews County Sheriff’s Office release stated.

However, because voice calls to 911 provide more information to 911 call centers, you should always make a voice call to 911 during an emergency whenever possible, the release stated. When you send a Text-to-911, your GPS coordinates are transmitted to the center.

The Mathews E-911 Center has been capable of receiving Text-to-911 since upgrading the 911 phone system in 2018. In 2022, the Mathews E-911 Center’s Viper phone system was enabled to initiate a text to a mobile device through the 911 system.

Communications officers can now send a link to your mobile de...

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