Residents of the Terrapin Cove section of Gloucester Point will once again see the proposed sewer extension project into their neighborhood in limbo.
The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors voted 7-0 during its meeting Tuesday night in the colonial courthouse to limit any additional spending not already accounted for in the county’s budget in the event that the state does not pass its budget by July 1.
At-large supervisor Ashley Chriscoe requested the discussion be added to Tuesday night’s agenda at the beginning of the meeting. “I don’t see us needing to spend money outside of our budget until the state passes its budget,” Chriscoe said.
Lawmakers in Richmond have failed to reach an agreement on Medicaid expansion in the commonwealth. The state’s budget for the next fiscal year, which would normally have been approved in the spring, is inching closer and closer to its July 1 deadline with no agreement in sight.
In May, following months of discuss...
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