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Tax bills coming due in Gloucester

Real estate and personal property taxes for the second half of 2010 are due Monday, Dec. 6, Treasurer Tara Thomas said.

Generally, the taxes would be due on Dec. 5, Thomas said, but the due date was moved to Monday as Dec. 5 falls on a Sunday this year.

Thomas said that more people have been paying their taxes by check or credit card via the internet in recent years. Mailed payments must be postmarked with a Dec. 6 date. Thomas recommends taxpayers ask the post office clerk to stamp it while they wait. Postage meter dates do not count as an approved mailed date, she said.

The Treasurer’s Office will be open during regular hours following the Thanksgiving break to accept payment in person, Thomas said. Also, payments may be left in a drop-box outside Gloucester County Schools and Office Building #2.

According to Thomas, tax bills were mailed a bit earlier than usual this year to give people more time to get the bills paid in a timely manner. All bills not paid by Dec. 6 ...

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