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TAG ‘Photos & Fibers’ exhibit opens Saturday

Tappahannock Art Gallery, Kilmarnock, will kick off its new art exhibition “Photos & Fibers”—an exhibit of the work of fiber artist Barb Brecher and photojournalist Michael Geissinger—this Saturday, with an opening reception on the following Friday, March 8.

The exhibit juxtaposes the soft florals of Brecher’s wearable art with the sometimes jarring images and street scenes of Geissinger’s photographs, a release stated.

Brecher is an award-winning fiber artist and graphic designer and the owner of I Felt Fine DESIGN, a fiber design studio. Over the last 20 plus years, she has worked to develop a unique felting process. Combining both silk and wool, each piece displays a lively range of vivid color and captivating texture.A onetime White House staff photographer during the Lyndon Johnson administration, Geissinger brings a sharp eye to scenes both familiar and new.

The mission of TAG is to build and maintain a community art center, to promote artists and their work, and to...

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