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Supervisors to return to colonial courthouse meeting place

After a year of either meeting in different locations or virtually over the Zoom platform, the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors will return to meeting at the colonial courthouse, starting on May 4.
The return to the building in the center of the court circle was decided at the board’s April 6 meeting. The remaining meetings for April on the 12, 15 and 19 will be held at GHS.
During Tuesday’s meeting the board had $35,420 of unspent and unencumbered CARES Act funding returned to the county. The funds were unspent by Gloucester County Public Schools from two CARES Act funded requests made in 2020. The schools returned the $35,420 with the intent that the funds be returned during 2021 when necessary.The board unanimously approved $55,263 of CARES Act funding for various requests. Requests from Northern Neck Jail, Abingdon Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad, Parks, Recreation and Tourism, and the Economic Development Authority made up $27,060 of the appropriated amount. The remaining $2...

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