The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors has seven public hearings on its agenda for Tuesday night. The meeting will begin at 7 o’clock in the colonial courthouse, with the first hearing starting at 8.
Public hearings include:
—Consideration of an ordinance to amend the Gloucester County zoning map to reclassify approximately 35 acres owned by Sanders Common, Ltd., located near Main Street. The applicant is proposing to modify the original site conditions by providing long-term and rehabilitative nursing care within a stand-alone small-house model instead of the previously proposed cottages.
The modifications would also provide a second entrance to the facility from Main Street instead of the single entrance from Wal-ker Avenue as previously intended.
—Redistricting: Consideration of an ordinance amendment to county code pertaining to elections; modifying certain voting precinct boundaries and names, and to establish certain new polling places.
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