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Supervisors to consider reconvening county Board of Equalization

The Gloucester Board of Supervisors will consider whether to reconvene the county’s Board of Equalization when supervisors meet on Tuesday evening. The board meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 o’clock in the colonial courthouse.

York District representative Carter Borden brought up the matter at the supervisors’ last meeting, saying that he had received letters from two constituents asking if the Board of Equalization could be reconvened.

The purpose of the BOE is to provide taxpayers an opportunity for a formal hearing to determine if their property is assessed at more than its fair market value, if the assessment is not uniform in its application, if the assessment is otherwise not equalized, or if there are mistakes of fact.

County Attorney Ted Wilmot said that the board could reconvene in an "off year" through action of the supervisors, but the supervisors would need to set certain parameters so the BOE would know why it is being reconvened.


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