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Supervisors receive presentations on smart meters

Gloucester supervisors received a pair of presentations regarding AMI Smart Meters during Tuesday’s monthly meeting at the colonial courthouse.

Mary Bauer of Virginians for Safe Technology gave the first presentation, speaking about the dangers of smart meters as a whole, not necessarily the meters that are being installed by Dominion throughout Gloucester County. Bauer said a lot of the issue with the smart meters revolves around “dirty electricity,” RF radiation, fire risks and security threats.

A big cause for concern from her presentation dealt with the harmful effects of high radio frequency levels. High RF levels, she said, can cause heart and sleep problems, headaches and other side effects to those exposed. According to her sources, smart meters can produce higher RF emissions than cell phones and unlike cell phones, she said smart meters are always on.

Another argument she made was that smart meters will increase the bills of customers. Bauer said the meters can caus...

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