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Strong winds batter New Point

A sudden storm with rain and high winds hit New Point on Friday afternoon, uprooting trees, knocking branches down on vehicles and homes, and taking the roof off at least one garage.

Brenda Weatherington of Sand Bank Road in New Point said she was in her kitchen on the internet, watching television, when her grandson, Dylan Pearce, came in and asked if they were going to have “a tornado or something.” Weatherington hadn’t seen any warnings about an approaching storm, but she looked out the window and saw the rain blowing sideways.

“I heard things hitting the house, and I grabbed him and all the cats I could find and we went in the bathroom,” said Weatherington.

The storm only lasted a couple of minutes, she said. But when everything stopped and she looked out the back window, she saw “two muddy mountains” where two of her neighbor Matt Matthews’ trees had uprooted.

“Dylan said ‘Grandma, I hate to tell you, but your tree is...

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