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St. Thomas Anglican now operating as Refuge Mission

Refuge Mission is a new name with a new affiliation for St. Thomas Anglican Mission.
The new church continues to be pastored by its founder, the Rev. Jason Hess, and meets in the Trinity Church building on Route 14 at Foster.
Hess explained that St. Thomas, established in 2018, was part of the Orthodox Anglican Church, but that “Throughout 2020 we discerned that we were no longer a fit” with that organization.
In November 2020, the congregation and Hess “were received by the Most Rev. Quintin Moore into the Diocese of the Restoration, which is part of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches.” Hess said CEED is “part of the Convergence Movement which is a blending of the Evangelical, Charismatic and Sacramental traditions of Christianity.”
Refuge Mission will continue weekly celebration of the Lord’s Table as well as a sermon, and the church will open each service with a meal, Hess said.
After more than a year of closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in person services at Refuge...

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