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Springtime garden safety reminders

Every spring, I try to include a column on working safely in the garden. After a long winter of sitting on the couch, we are ready to rush out and whip the garden into tip-top shape, but a few safety reminders can help prevent an injury that sidelines us for days or even weeks.

Many accidents are preventable if we remain alert and well-informed about how to protect ourselves from injury. We all need a safety review so we can enjoy the first warm days in the garden, cleaning up last year’s debris and preparing the beds for planting.

If you haven’t had much physical activity during the last few months, don’t try to spend 6 or 8 hours working in the yard or garden on the first pleasant day. You will end up exhausted with sore or strained muscles. Pace yourself. Take frequent rest periods and drink plenty of water to remain hydrated, even if the sun doesn’t feel hot. Stop and rest anytime you feel breathless, fatigued, dizzy, or lightheaded.

Don’t forget to use sunscreen, even on...

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