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Spot tournament to benefit GHS scholarships

Anglers are sought for a spot fishing tournament to benefit the Amos G. West Scholarship Fund for students at Gloucester High School.

The fourth annual tournament will take place on Saturday, Sept. 25, with a donation of $150 per boat. A release said each paid boat receives four tickets for prize drawings, with additional tickets $5 each.

The boats can leave from any location and must weigh in at the sponsoring Lockwood’s Carpets in Gloucester by 5 p.m. that day.

Prizes for the total weight of the six largest fish are $1,000 for first place and $500 for second place. For the largest single spot, three prizes of $250 each will be awarded: one to a man, one to a woman, and one to a child age 12 and younger.

For more information, contact Jim Lockwood (804-824-4200), Shirley Hogge (757-509-0733) or Kristee Georgiou (804-824-4080).

Checks to sign up may be mailed to Kristee West Georgiou, 3217 Severn Wharf Road, Hayes, Va. 23072.

Amos West died in 2018. A native of Glouce...

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