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Spay/neuter saves lives

When Fixin’ to Save Spay and Neuter Clinic was founded by the Animal Resource Foundation in 2008 (as the ARF Spay Neuter Clinic), local shelters were overflowing with unwanted and homeless animals.

Clinic founders wanted to make a difference and build a community where each pet had the opportunity for a healthy, happy life. They knew the best way to do that was to make spay/neuter services widely accessible to all pet owners, limiting the number of unplanned litters born.

The clinic has been administered by the Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society since January 2018. Building on the foundation established by ARF, clinic team members actively seek to expand the reach of their services and save more lives through access to low- and no-cost spay/neuter services. In 2023 alone, Fixin’ to Save altered 4,177 pets including shelter/rescue animals, public pets, and community cats.

“Spaying and neutering makes a big difference in our community,” Clinic Director Cassandra Six said. “Havin...

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