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Soul Expressions Band to bring Motown to Kilmarnock

The Lancaster Elementary School Theater will sound a bit like the “Ed Sullivan Show” of the 1960s on Saturday when the Richmond-based Soul Expressions Band brings its Motown show to Kilmarnock.

The seven-member band will highlight the strong vocals, polished style and synchronized dance moves of the chart-topping performances that forever changed American music. The show, hosted by the Rappahannock Foundation for the Arts, begins at 7:30 p.m. Theater doors open at 7.

The show puts a spotlight on the innovative songs and star performers developed with assembly-line precision in Detroit, starting in 1959, when Berry Gordy Jr. began what would become Motown Records.

“We are thrilled to have the Soul Expressions Band perform for us,” said RFA board president Jamie Tucker. “They are a regional powerhouse, known for their wide-ranging musicianship and fidelity to original tunes. They always put on a high-energy, crowd-pleasing show.”

Soul Expressions Band members themselves have...

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