It is well off the beaten path and most people wouldn’t be able to find it without a map.
However, at the end of Naxera in Gloucester County, there is a hidden gem known as the Captain Sinclair Recreational Area that is one step closer to being permanently saved for the public to continue to use and enjoy.
Last week, the Middle Peninsula Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority, which owns the site, signed off on a deed of open space easement for a 40-plus acre portion of the property to be protected by the Virginia Outdoors Foundation. The VOF, which began seeking proposals for open space easements across the state in 2017, will compensate the PAA for $180,000 to protect the area permanently.
Lewie Lawrence, executive director of the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission, which oversees the PAA, said the PAA hasn’t taken specific action on how to use the $180,000, as it is not in hand yet. “But it is likely the funds will be used to replace the public fis...
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