The Northern Neck Master Naturalists chapter is offering a 2023 Basic Training Class, beginning Jan. 14, 2023 and continuing through Nov. 20, 2023. Classes will break in mid-May for the summer and resume in mid-August.
Virginia Master Naturalists is a community-based volunteer organization which helps conserve and manage natural resources and public lands through projects, citizen science, education, and more.
The class provides an overview of naturalist topics such as mammals, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, botany, geology, and the relationships within ecosystems. This year’s longer BTC schedule is in response to trainees’ feedback that there was not enough time to read and absorb all the topics covered. The longer duration will give trainees more time to process the material as well as time to apply hands-on skills learned in class over the four seasons. Participants do not need previous education or experience in any of the topics.
Classes will be held two Tuesday evenings ea...
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