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Signup underway for Guinea Jubilee 5K, Fun Run

Registration is underway for the Guinea Jubilee 5K and 1 Mile Kids’ Crabby Fun Run, which will be held on Saturday, Sept. 24, as part of the annual festival.
Presented by Riverside Health System, both the 5K and Fun Run start at the Abingdon Volunteer Fire Department on Mark Pine Road and end at Buck Rowe’s Store Museum. Packet pick up and race day registration begins at 7 a.m. The 5K race starts at 8; the Fun Run at 8:30.
Awards will be given to the top male and female 5K finishers and to the top finishing runners, male and female, in eight different age groups.
T-shirts are guaranteed to all runners who are pre-registered by Sept. 1. Kids will receive a T-shirt, swag bag and medal.The cost is $25 if registered by Sept. 1. The fee increases to $30 on race day. Online registration can be found at For more information, contact Kati Cook at 804-815-7858 or

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