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Siblings take over P. Buckley Moss commercial operations

There have been a number of recent changes for the commercial operations of Mathews-based artist P. Buckley Moss.
Moss, who resides at Port Haywood, said her son Chris Moss is the company’s new chief executive officer and president. She has other residences in Waynesboro and Radford, he said, and is an active painter at those locations and others.
Chris, who resides in Yonkers, N.Y., takes over the top position of the company. He has been an insurance executive for many years, he said, but will make regular trips to Mathews on behalf of the smooth operation of the business. He is relatively new to the day-to-day operations of the family-owned business, having replaced Jaik Henderson, who left the company in May after working there for more than 20 years.
Another major change is that Chris’s sister, Patty Moss of Port Haywood, is now chief operating officer and vice president of the company. In addition, she is the distribution center manager in charge of the company’s...

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