Mathews Triad’s new president Alice Stewart, left, of Mathews Social Services, talks with Sheriff Mark Barrick during the Senior Safety Fair, held on Tuesday at the Piankatank Ruritan Club at Hudgins. The event, held annually to provide safety information to Mathews residents who are senior citizens, was packed. The agenda included an invocation by Leon Owens, presentation of the colors by the color guard from American Legion Post 83, singing of the National Anthem by Lynda Smith Greve, and a welcome by Stewart and Lt. Sid Foster of the Mathews County Sheriff’s Office. Speakers were Dr. Steven J. Hospodar of Gloucester, manager of provider relations Pam Taylor of Connect America, Virginia Driver Coordinator Nancy Lo of the Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services, and Sheriff Barrick and Major J.T. Williams of the MCSO. Entertainment was by Michael Gregg and the Mathews High School Chorus. Photo by Sherry Hamilton
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