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Saulman for School Board

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I write in support of Cindy Saulman for the Gloucester County School Board At-Large seat.

Cindy’s history of service is well-known, so I will focus on three characteristics that make her the best person to hold this seat: maturity, wisdom, and balanced perspective.

Cindy brings maturity from a distinguished career in law enforcement during which she spent many years educating the children of Gloucester County about the dangers of drugs. She trained as an educator and worked daily alongside Gloucester’s teachers for 27 years. She connected with the students, many of whom are in contact with her to this day. She understands the challenges young people face, the challenges teachers face in the classroom, and the challenges parents face raising children in Gloucester County.

Professionally, Cindy has countless hours of training and development in one of the most difficult careers in our society—dealing with people in law enforcement. She professionally...

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