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Rivah Basketball Association to hold tryouts in March

The Rivah Basketball Association will hold tryouts in March for its new boys’ 18U AAU team.

The AAU team will be the first offering from the RBA, a new youth basketball organization serving the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula.

Practices will be held in Yarborough Gymnasium on the campus of Christchurch School in Middlesex County, and the team will play in regional tournaments.

“We are here to serve the local basketball community by offering player development opportunities,” said head coach Scott Barker, explaining RBA’s mission. “Assembling an AAU team for high school players is our first step. We’d like to add a second team for middle school players. Beyond that, we want to provide a forum for skill development by offering scholastic players a place to receive additional coaching, work out and compete against each other during the off season.”

Barker is a 35-year basketball coach who recently relocated to the Northern Neck. He has led youth and AAU programs, and coach...

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