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Residents question tax increases at Gloucester budget hearing

After hearing the comments made Monday night, it was apparent a number of Gloucester residents think a tax increase would be a wrong move, given the current economic climate.

About 100 residents attended the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors’ public hearing on the proposed fiscal year 2013-14 budget in the Gloucester High School auditorium.

County administrator Brenda Garton’s proposed $138 million fiscal year 2014 budget calls for a 4¢ increase in the county’s real estate tax rate as well as a $1.95 increase on the rate at which boats are assessed.

Garton said each penny of the real estate tax generates approximately $400,000 in additional revenue ($1.6 million for four cents), while the increase in the boat tax would add roughly $600,000 to the county’s coffers.

There was some support shown for the Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society, with approximately 30 audience members standing up to indicate their backing for maintaining current funding ...

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