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Randy Dobson seeks seat on Mathews BOS

Randall A. “Randy” Dobson, 66, of Cobbs Creek, has announced his candidacy for a seat on the Mathews County Board of Supervisors in the Nov. 7 election. He is running as a Republican.

Dobson said that, if elected, he would seek to “keep Mathews, Mathews.” He said the county is laid back, with few problems compared to other localities.

“There’s no toxic waste dump, no major highway,” he said. “I’d like to see it the same charming place it is for another couple generations.”

The biggest issues the county currently faces, said Dobson, are the Confederate monument and the Hole in the Wall restaurant.

“We need to get a resolve on both that’s suitable for everybody,” he said.

With 80 percent of Mathews voters having said they want the monument to stay on the court green, he said, the problem is “just how to make it happen.” He said he doesn’t have a magic bullet for the answer, but that the county needs to work through all the legal issues and then decide what to do.

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