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’Raise the Roof’ to be held Sept. 23 in Weems

Historic Christ Church & Museum in Weems has announced that its eighth annual “Raise the Roof” fall festival will be held Sept. 23 from 1-6 p.m. on the grounds near the 1735 Christ Church.

This event will feature two live bands, Virginia craft beers, wine, barbecue (or vegetarian fare) with all the fixings, and homemade ice cream.

En’Novation, a Richmond-based band, will offer a mix of country, funk, R&B and soul. From Chesapeake, The Rob White Trio will feature blues, rock and soul.

Tickets are $60 for adults, $20 for ages 20 and under and free for ages five and under. Tickets include two beer or wine tickets, one serving of Willaby’s barbecue or veggie fare with fixings, homemade ice cream from Short Lane in Gloucester, and a souvenir cup. Additional beverage and meal tickets will be available for purchase during the event, and soft drinks and water will be provided. No pets or coolers are allowed.

The annual fundraiser for Lancaster County’s only national histor...

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