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Program on Pop Art at Arts on Main

A program on “Pop Art, Blurring Boundaries” will be presented by Trent Nicholas of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts at 7:15 p.m. on Thursday, March 7, at Arts on Main, 6580 Main Street, Gloucester.

The presentation is sponsored by the Middle Peninsula Fine Arts Association of Gloucester, a VMFA community partner. It is free and open to the public.

Pop Art brought mass consumerist culture into museums and galleries in the early 1960s, radically changing the course of art by eliminating the boundary between “high” culture and everyday life, said a press release. Part of what paved the way was that it was the first major art movement with a sense of humor.

This talk, using images of painting and film, surveys the American Pop Art scene and its leading figure, the late Andy Warhol, who invented his own Hollywood-style empire, including “superstars” and his own celebrity status.

Association members will have dinner at 5:45 p.m. prior to the talk. The cost is $23. Those who like...

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