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Prioritize safety when grilling this spring, summer

As temperatures continue to climb, grilling season is heating up. But before barbecue buffs fire up their grills for the first time this year, it’s important that they inspect them first.
According to the U.S. Fire Administration, the cause of about 5,700 grill fires on residential properties each year is malfunctioning gas grills.
“Grilling is a timeless warm weather activity many Virginians enjoy and look forward to,” said Scott DeNoon, senior farm product and underwriting manager for Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co.
“However, an open flame and the use of gas can create numerous dangers for both the user and their property,” he added. “That’s why it’s important to ensure you’re using your grill properly and are following safe practices.”To help homeowners and renters avoid sparking grill-related fires, the Insurance Information Institute recommends they thoroughly inspect their grills before each use.
These inspections should include a check of grill hoses to ensure there ar...

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