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Poverty simulation program next week

The Gloucester Resource Council will be hosting a Regional Poverty Simulation and Resource Fair next Thursday, Nov. 19, from 1-4 p.m. at Newington Baptist Church, Gloucester. The program will be divided into four 15-minute sessions, each representing a week in which participants must provide for their families, manage emergencies and daily living expenses, and maintain their homes.

Valerie Lewis, one of the organizers, said she participated in a similar event several years ago and was shocked at how hard it was to manage the role she was given. Though she regularly works with economically-disadvantaged families and thought she understood the challenges they face, it was far from the truth.

Lewis said participants will learn what it’s like to have limited transportation options and why it’s hard to eat healthy when food choices are pre-defined. “You’ll work harder to accommodate the person who comes to register one minute before you close for the day,” Le...

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