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Post offices to stay open with reduced hours

The United States Postal Service has made final decisions on the fate of six local post offices following several community meetings that stretched over the course of two weeks in both Gloucester and Mathews counties.

Each post office in question will remain open, though with reduced operating hours. Meetings were held at the Wicomico Post Office in Gloucester and the Foster, Moon, Gwynn, Grimstead and Hudgins post offices in Mathews.

Customer survey responses, input from the community meetings, and the operational needs of the USPS were considered in reaching the implementation decisions, according to Michele Martel, district communications coordinator for the USPS.

Decisions were released last week for the Wicomico and Hudgins post offices, which will operate as six-hour offices.

Effective Jan. 26, 2013, Martel said the Foster Post Office will provide four hours of window service each weekday. The facility’s retail hours will be from 12:15-4:15 p.m. Monday through Fri...

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