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Plein Air Unleashed begins Monday in Deltaville

The ninth annual Plein Air Unleashed outdoor painting event, sponsored by Allure Art, will be held rain or shine beginning Monday and continuing through May 4 across Middlesex County.

This free six-day event is one of the largest gatherings of plein air painters in the state each year, said a press release. It features award-winning artists from across Virginia and Maryland who spend the week in the Middle Peninsula painting its beautiful scenery “en plein air.” This method is most often associated with such impressionist painters as Monet and Renoir, who realized that they could more accurately represent the colors and the light by painting in nature.

The public will be able to watch the artists working in a variety of mediums in natural settings, striving to catch the light in their interpretations of the scenery. The public is encouraged to venture out and see the art in action, said the release. The event coordinator at the Deltaville Maritime Museum will be in the Tea House...

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