The Gloucester Planning Commission will hold two public hearings tonight, both on conditional use permit applications seeking to establish two separate utility-scale solar energy facilities in the county. The meeting will be held in the T.C. Walker Educational Center Auditorium, beginning at 7.
The first applicant, Strata Solar Development, LLC, is seeking a CUP to construct Winterberry Solar, LLC, a 20-megawatt utility-scale solar energy facility, on Nursery Lane off Route 17, south of Gloucester Court House.
The property is 290 acres in total and the company wants to develop 150 acres of it. The property is zoned Suburban Countryside (SC-1) and is the first solar farm to be proposed in a residential district in Gloucester.
Cow Creek Solar, LLC, has also submitted a CUP to establish a one-megawatt solar farm in the SC-1 zoning district. The property is located south of Foster Road (Route 691) off Route 14 and is 23.3 acres. The applicant is seeking to develop about nine acres of the l...
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