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Planners fine-tune sign ordinance revisions

Although it still has not made its final recommendations on sign ordinance revisions, the Gloucester County Planning Commission came a few steps closer during a meeting Thursday night in the colonial courthouse.

After lengthy discussion, the commission decided to add sections in the ordinance that will address signage for agribusiness and agritourism. The commission decided to reference state code definitions for those types of businesses.

Also, at the suggestion of commissioner Kenneth Richardson, the planners decided that the 14 days specified for temporary signs, such as to promote a carnival or fish fry, be altered to provide more time. Thirty days was the recommended timeframe.

"I certainly have no problem with 30 days," said codes compliance director Ron Peaks.

Several commissioners asked about use of seasonal signs to promote businesses such as vegetable stands. Peaks said that county officials can regulate such signs by total square footage or by a total num...

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