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Planners endorse tire recycling facility

The Mathews County Planning Commission enthusiastically endorsed a request by Cobbs Creek resident Jermaine Ware for a conditional use permit to allow a tire recycling facility on his residential-zoned property at 3864 Buckley Hall Road, Cobbs Creek.
“I’m excited about this,” said commission member Jim Robinson, who made the motion for approval during Tuesday night’s meeting, and his fellow commissioners concurred. The vote to recommend that the board of supervisors approve the CUP was unanimous.
The commission’s endorsement came after a joint public hearing with the board of supervisors, during which two residents, Robert and Lisa Musgrove, expressed concerns about possible traffic, noise and environmental impacts at the site.
But the couple seemed satisfied after Ware explained that he would be the sole operator of the business, with a possible back-up person if he becomes incapacitated. He said the public would not be delivering tires to the site, that ...

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