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Pike, Saulmanfor school board

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I am writing this letter to share to my fellow Gloucester citizens that James “Jim” Pike has my unequivocal enthusiastic support to serve the citizens of Ware District as their representative to the Gloucester County School Board and is worthy of their support and vote in this year’s election on Tuesday, Nov. 7.

He epitomizes what we are looking for as a representative who understands and embraces the role of the school board with policy development consistent with state and federal laws, and with developing a budget that places the education of our children above any discretionary spending. Jim fully understands the support the superintendent requires as they focus on the educational pillar supporting our children and ensures the policy and budget focus on that pillar.

Jim Pike does not believe in political bias, but rather he believes that ensuring educators and institutions do not impose a particular political, religious or ideological agenda on st...

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