Partners in Development

Members of Apostles Lutheran Church, Gloucester, joined a Partners in Development mission team from around the country that traveled to Guatemala the first week of March to provide medical care, medication, counseling and to install stoves. Medical clinics were held in Xojola, Ixtacapa, and in two small barrios. Approximately 600 patients were treated and 75 stoves were installed in Xojola. Health kits, toothbrushes, toothpaste and glasses were given to patients who were treated. Relationships between the team members and the people in Guatemala were renewed and made. This is an annual mission trip; plans for next year’s trip will begin in the fall. The value of supplies left in Guatemala including the stoves was approximately $18,000—all donations. Participants included, top photo from left, kneeling, Ramiro Calderon, Dr. Luz Alvarez, Linda Hodges, Betsy Liljeberg, Gus Guzman; standing, Abby Britt, Dennis Fonkert, Jenny Pritchett, Jesse Fonkert, Chris Liljeberg, Janet Gomez, Bruni Guzman, Dr. Donna Ambrose, Cindy Sinchak and Dr. Pete Liljeberg. Below, Abby Britt and Chris Liljeberg are with the homeowners and their new stove.