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Orth for supervisor

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Our endorsement of Robert “JJ” Orth for Supervisor of the Abingdon District is the reason for writing this letter. As for our credentials: We have been proud and contented residents of Gloucester County for 54 years. We have been employed here in Gloucester for decades. Our children and grandchildren are native-born and were educated in our schools, before college. We love Gloucester and its citizens dearly.

A lifetime ago, 1969, at one of life’s intersections, we encountered a man who soon became a dear friend, JJ Orth. Graduate school at VIMS brought us together and we have walked adjacent paths since then. Through the years JJ excelled in his studies and his career. In his field he is a renowned scientist whose research response is giving us back a healthy Chesapeake Bay. JJ has remained in Gloucester raising his daughters with Nancy and making a place in our community as a respected and appreciated mover and shaker in many service organizations and i...

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