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Oral history project beginning soon in Mathews

As part of the Year of Finding History in Mathews County, the Mathews County Historical Society plans to interview local residents for an oral history project beginning later this month.
Jessica Taylor, a professional oral historian and a Ph.D. candidate in the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at the University of Florida, will conduct the interviews, said project manager Forrest Morgan. The cost will be covered by a $4,000 grant from the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and $4,500 in matching historical society funds.
Morgan said that during the recent architectural survey performed of old homes in the county, many property owners had stories to tell about their homes and their ancestors, and the historical society decided that, to the extent possible, those stories needed to be recorded.
There are many people in the county who have interesting stories to tell, said Morgan, but the grant will only cover Taylor’s services for 25 interviews and development of related CDs,...

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